Finance Providers

Find the moment your customers are ready for a new car.
Our bespoke solution for finance providers allows the funder to deliver new opportunities to the partner dealer directly from the existing book of business.
Not only will Equity Manager identify those customers who are in ‘Positive Equity’ but suitable replacement vehicles are selected and ‘stacked’ into ‘like for like’ finance offers that will make sense for the consumer, the dealer and the finance provider.
Contact us today for a live demonstration.
How It Works
Equity Manager Monitors the Settlement Figure for all of your Customers Finance Agreements
The system knows precisely how much finance is outstanding on any finance deal (HP / PCP / PCH) at any given month.
It Identifies your Customers who are in ‘Positive Equity’
Vehicles that have a market value equal to or greater than the finance amount outstanding are automatically identified
Suggests Suitable Replacement Vehicles From your New and Used Inventory
Equity Manager automatically scans your new and used car inventory for a suitable replacement, calculating a bespoke finance offer before putting the suggested deal in the hands of your sales team.
Request a Demo
If you would like to know more about our product and our 90 days money back guarantee get in touch now to schedule your free demonstration.